Buoy Pimp Your Battery Saver 1.0.3 Paid
The built-in Android battery saving mode is actually quite powerful. The only disappointment is that none of this is configurable out of the box. This is where Buoy comes in. Buoy makes it possible to use the built-in battery saver in any situation.
* Advertising on other applications for which the low consumption mode is activated
* Android’s data saver for measured WiFi or mobile data connections
* Built-in dark mode
* Launch Boost to speed up the start of the application
* Vibration
* Display of window animations and activities
Supported Android
{8.0 and UP}
Supported Android Version:-
Oreo (8.0-8.1) – Pie (9.0)
Download Buoy Pimp Your Battery Saver 1.0.3 Paid APK For Android
Buoy Pimp Your Battery Saver 1.0.3 Paid
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