FB Tools APK

FB Tools APK:
FB Tools is highlighted in the app store social category list which is downloaded and installed on your device, supports 16+ APIs. There are a number of interfaces that do not help you to get likes, comments and subscribers, but if you are facing this problem then don’t forget to install the FB Tools app on your phone.
FB Tools Auto Liker app is developed using an algorithm to disembarrass the most envious facebook users of others as well as under a cloud looking at celebrity likes and comments. It would help you to show social activity in order of Facebook auto likes and comments and auto followers without spending a single penny. Its use has increased the interest of Facebook users by getting automatic likes and comments on their posts and accustoming them to downloading quickly, a maximum of five to six posts per week that attract the attention of the public.
Features of FB Tools Auto Liker:
There are number of features of the best auto liker app but few of them are listed below;
In addition to likes, you also get comments, followers, and status.
It is 100% free where no penny is spent.
Simple and understandable user interface
Multi-Post on Groups.
Appropriate designs and colors are programmed.
You can get 210 likes on each attempt.
Your data will not be leaked or hacked
Smart and eye-catching graphics
How to use FB tools?
Remember that FB Tools needs your personal interest for social fame, without having interest it is not formal to have its setup on your cell phone. The process isn’t hard, but there should be confidence to get it as much as possible by really having really automatic likes, comments, and followers. Mistrust will never let you use this app.
It is understood that you can have right on this application after downloading, inaugurate it first in your device then you will notice its icon on the desktop.
After proceeding with the installation, click on an icon, where the application will require certain permissions.
Go to Facebook, select the image and upload it where to start there will be no like.
Enter the game where the four options will be displayed in front of you, Auto Liker, Auto Comment, Group Post and Auto Follow.
Select one of the important options.
Log in to your Facebook account after which you will be connected to the server.
After Facebook account login, do the human verification of the given 4-digit code ####
Select a photo or status you want to get likes, comments, followers and click on it.
Likes, comments, and followers are optional.
Remember that you can only give a maximum of 210 likes, comments and followers on your posts.
Likes will be given successfully.