Symbolab – Math solver Pro
Your private math tutor, solves any math problem with steps! History! Every problem you solved is saved in history and you can get back to it anytime you want.
Symbolab calculator solves:
* Equations
* Inequalities
* System of Equations
* Basic Operations (factor, join, cancel, simplify)
* Partial Fractions
* Polynomial Division
* Percents
Functions & Graphing
* Line equations (line, slope, parallel, perpendicular, midpoint, distance)
* Functions (domain, range, intercepts, asymptotes, extreme points, periodicity, inverse)
* Function arithmetics and compositions
* Trig Equations
* Trig identities proving
* Trig function evaluation
* Trig simplification
* Limits
* Integrals (definite, indefinite, multiple)
* Derivatives
* Partial derivatives
* Series
* Laplace Transform
* Inverse Laplace Transform
Matrices & Vectors
* Matrix Add/Subtract
* Matrix Multiply, Power
* Matrix Trace
* Matrix Transpose
* Matrix Determinant
* Matrix Inverse
* Matrix Rank
* Matrix Reduce
* Vectors Add/Subtract
* Vector Scalar Multiplication
* Vector Cross Product
* Vector Magnitude
* Vector Angle
* Vector Unit
* Vector Projection
* Vector Scalar Projection
(and more topics are added constantly)
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For middle school through college students, teachers and parents.
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Symbolab – Math solver Pro v9.0.1 APK / Mirror